[Regarding our year-end and New Year holidays in 2022 and 2023]

Thank you for your continued patronage of Yuuboku LLC and Yuuboku Tokyo.

We apologize for the inconvenience, but our company will be closed during the following period.
・ December 29, 2022 (Thursday) to January 4, 2023 (Wednesday)

*In addition, some orders may be shipped.

Inquiries are accepted by e-mail, form, etc., but we will respond sequentially on business days. Thank you for your understanding.

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我々、「ユウボク東京」は、一人ひとりの生活に合わせた 多様で柔軟な働き方を応援し、その人らしさを “そっと魅せる”ワークスタイルブランドです。


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